
Do I Achieve Permanent Results With Otoplasty Surgery?

  The results achieved from otoplasty surgery are usually permanent. The surgery results can last a lifetime if maintained properly and the person isn't involved in any activity that could damage their ears. Otoplasty, also called "ear pinning surgery," changes the shape and size of the cartilage in the ear to make it less noticeable. The surgery is done behind the earlobes, so the cuts are not visible. The surgery is beneficial for individuals who are self-conscious about their ears and can opt for otoplasty surgery near me to feel at ease with their facial appearance. Let us take a closer look at some factors that can help patients achieve permanent results from otoplasty surgery. Achieve permanent results from otoplasty surgery Here are Some Factors That Affect the Longevity of Results 1. Choose the Surgeon Carefully One should choose a skilled surgeon if one wants otoplasty surgery to last. Expert otoplasty surgeons know the ins and outs of ear anatomy, where to make

Reasons for Ear Deformities in Newborns

Newborn babies are born with unique characteristics that make them special in their own way. However, some of these children are born with ear deformities, which not only affects their appearance but their hearing ability as well. There is a wide range of severity and types of ear deformities, which often happen in children. However, this can be difficult for the parents to cope with, who are unaware of why this happens and what can be done to deal with it. For such parents, we will discuss the common reasons for ear deformities in newborns . We have taken the insights for this post from an ear doctor, Dr. Parag Telang who is renowned for treating ear deformities in children. Continue reading to learn more. Here are the Top Reasons for Deformities in Newborns 1. Genetics Genetics is one of the main reasons for ear deformities in children. Many children inherit the same size and shape of their ears from either their parents or grandparents. If there is a history of ear deformity in thei

Microtia/Anotia: Ear Problems in Children

Microtia and anotia are medical terms for ear problems that describe either under or no development of the outer ears in children. When a child is born with this condition, and it does not show with antenatal ultrasound, it is undoubtedly a significant concern for the family. One needs to understand that this condition occurs in 7-23 out of 10000 births. When the baby is born with this disorder, it is vital to note that in 99% of the cases, you did nothing wrong as a mother. Before any procedure that corrects the outer ear is considered, the most important thing is to establish the child's hearing ability. To do this, one should contact an ear specialist, as restoring hearing ability is of utmost priority in such situations.  To provide readers with an in-depth understanding of microtia/anotia in children, we have taken insights from expert plastic surgeons like Dr. Parag Telang, the best ear surgeon in India who is also the founder of The Microtia Trust. Read on to learn more.  W

Otoplasty Surgery- When it is performed?

  Do you know what otoplasty is and why it requires surgical management? Otoplasty is a cosmetic surgery designed to permanently correct structural abnormalities of the ear. It is a procedure to reshape, resize, and reposition the ears without impacting or improving an individual’s ability to hear sounds. It provides aesthetic appeal to the face with improved ear appearance and improved self-confidence.   When is it performed?   According to Dr Parag Telang, an ear cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai , otoplasty surgery might be considered to address the following:   Protruding ear(s)- One or both ears sticking out far from the head. Oversized ear(s) or Macrotia- One or both ears are overly large and out of proportion to the head. Small, constricted ears or Microtia- The ears are smaller and not in proportion to the head or not fully developed. Mishappen ear(s) or earlobes- One or both ears or ear lobes are misshapen due to a traumatic injury or birth defect.   Types of Otoplasty   Dependin

10 Things To Know On Microtia Ear Surgery For Kids

Microtia term originates from two Latin words: “micro”, which means small, and “Rita”, which means ear. Microtia is a structural defect in the outer ear (pinna), present at birth. This congenital abnormality can range from minor structural issues in the outer ear to the complete absence of an external ear (anotia) which leads to hearing problems. In this guide about Microtia Ear Surgeon in India, Dr. Parag Telang, we will discuss 10 important things to know about Microtia ear surgery for kids. This will help parents learn more about microtia and how it can be corrected.   1. Signs and Symptoms of Microtia Ear in Kids   Usually, microtia affects only a single ear but it can occur in both ears. This condition is characterized by the appearance of a small ear with an unusual shape. There are four grades of microtia, based on the severity of the condition. These are:   Type 1- The external ear (pinna) is smaller than normal ear size. All structures of the ear are present but are abnormal