What Are The Benefits Of Going For Microtia Surgery With Rib Cartilage?

Get back aesthetically looking ears with the advanced microtia surgery performed at The Microtia Trust by Dr. Parag Telang , best ear surgeon in India . Microtia, or “little ear” is an external ear deformity present since the birth of the child. In most cases, it is considered a unilateral concern affecting mainly the right ear but it can be the case of both ears. Microtia patients have ears varying in their appearance, usually small-size and often having a tiny-peanut-shaped lobe. There is no precise known reason behind the occurrence of microtia. It is usually due to underdevelopment or malformation of the ear during the first trimester of pregnancy. Possible etiologies include blockage of blood supply because of pressure build-up on the ears from the umblical cord or positioning of the fetus against the inside of the mother, deprived oxygen supply, or excessive alcohol or drug intake. Microtia patients can be treated surgically by ear reconstruction when the child gets old...