Microtia Ear Reconstruction Guide by Dr. Parag Telang

Many people have abnormal size of ears. The oversize or smaller size of the ears than the normal look grabs attention in an inappropriate way. It can hamper one’s self-confidence. These can be corrected through an ear surgery called microtia ear surgery. In this blog, Dr. Parag Telang, known as the best ear surgeon in Mumbai , will share a surgical guide on microtia ear reconstruction. So read the blog carefully. What is Microtia? The absence or underdevelopment of the external ear characterizes a congenital malformation called microtia. Due to the obvious differences in appearance, people with microtia frequently experience physical, emotional, and social difficulties. Causes of Microtia Even though the exact origins of microtia are unknown, environmental and genetic factors are thought to be the main contributors to this ear impairment. Only 5% of patients are estimated to have genetic characteristics as a contributing factor. Many theories have explained the causes ...