Microtia: Basic Things One Should Know

The hearing ability is facilitated by the ears, which also play a significant part in facial attractiveness. External ear deformities and abnormalities are some obvious disorders related to ears and can also impair hearing. Microtia , or little ear, refers to noticeable external ear abnormalities or deformities. It is a congenital disorder in which the ear does not grow properly, resulting in small, oddly shaped, or oftenly absent ears. Both the internal and entire external ear might be impacted by these abnormalities. Dr. Parag Telang is the founder of "The Microtia Trust," which offers a variety of ear deformity treatments to patients with microtia, including external and internal ear deformities. The expert doctor has shared some crucial insights related to microtia and its related aspects. Every ear surgery is different and it is best to get a professional opinion before moving forward. Keep reading further to find more. What are the Causes of Microtia? Alth...